4728 Rock Ledge Drive, Harrisburg, Pa, 17110


From South of Harrisburg:

Take I-83N to I-81S To 322 W
( 83N to 81S )
Take first exit on to Linglestown Rd East
Go 1/4 mile at first light make left onto Fargreen rd.
Second stop sign make right on to Galen rd.
Take Galen to top of mountain and make a right onto Mountain View Rd.
At Second stop sign make a right onto Rock Ledge Dr.
Third house on the right - House number 4728
Please park along the rd and use the concrete walk to the front door

From North of Linglestown

Take I-81S To 322 W
Take first exit on to Linglestown Rd East
Go 1/4 mile at first light make left onto Fargreen rd.
Second stop sign make right on to Galen rd.
Take Galen to top of mountain and make a right onto Mountain View Rd.
At Second stop sign make a right onto Rock Ledge Dr.
Third house on the right - House number 4728
Please park along the rd and use the concrete walk to the front door